I am certainly not going to pretend that these school holidays have been super easy on me. I am currently 37 weeks pregnant with baby number 3. Chasing after my 4 year old Harper and 2.5 year old Paxton is not an easy job at all. Plus, Harper’s holidays are 7 weeks long!! So this article is more of a survival kit for those of you who aren’t pregnant, walking zombies like myself. I hope you find it helpful…
School holidays are about finding the balance between survival and also trying to actually enjoy this time with your kids! They grow up so quickly so it’s important to try and not rush the quality time that holidays can bring. My biggest rule is to plan ahead and try and mix it up as much as you can so you and your children don’t get bored. Have some chilled days and then have some fun adventures planned. I find when my kids get bored or have too much screen time, they go crazy and start to bicker so it’s important to have a few things planned to keep your kids on their toes! Here is a good mix of what we have been getting up to and hopefully it will help you guys out too…
How to Survive these holidays
Play dates with friends
- As much as we can entertain and stimulate our children, there’s nothing like playing with kids their own age. Try and set up some play dates if you can. It will be nice for you and nice for your child. We had one today with an old friend of Harper’s and she just had the best time!
Catch up with family
If you have family in town, organise for them to come over for a play, for you to go to them or for a lunch date. I know my kids love seeing all different types of family members – from cousins to great grandparents, aunties and uncles, etc. Even a pop in to visit their Nanna at work can be fun!
Fun activities at home
Go to the $2 shop and stock up on some fun stuff. From arts and crafts to bubbles, dress ups, music, water activities, Lego, puzzles, baking, there are so many fun and creative things you can do at home. You can even get them to help with preparing dinner.
Some quiet time
A sleep, a movie, reading books together, finding some nice relaxing activities for your kids to do while you can put your feet up and have a coffee or a wine is a WIN- WIN!
Fun activities out of the home
A change of scenery is sometimes all the kids need. Personally, I get cabin fever when I’m at home too much. So mix it up. Explore new parks, farms, zoos, libraries, aquatic centres, playcentres, the list goes on. There are so many resources online to find different things you can do.
Get help where you can
I know financially this isn’t always an option for some, but holiday programs are a great way to break up the holidays. Get a nanny for a few hours, help from a friend or family member. See if the kids can go to work one day with your partner. Again, as much as we like the break from them, it’s also nice for the kids to have a break from us!
Giving yourself a break will get you through these school holidays
Most importantly as a mum, you need a little time to yourself! So make sure to lock that in somehow. Perhaps you can wait until the weekend when your partner, family or friend is around to help and give you some time to yourself to recharge! It’s so important! More on this here.
Finally, I know holidays are long but PLEASE just try and enjoy it (and yes that’s in capitals because not only am I trying to convince you guys but I’m trying to convince myself too)!! Our kids are only young for such a short amount of time. Of course, some days will be harder than others, some days you will want to strangle them and they will drive you nuts. Just try and enjoy not having to rush out the door in the mornings and not having to rush to do pick-ups. Soak it in and enjoy your special time with them!
If you have any other fun idea that helps you get through the holidays, I’d love to hear from you.
And lastly, I hope you all had a fabulous Chanukah, Christmas and New Year. We sure did!!
Mel xox
PS. Make sure to head to our SHOP if you haven’t already! Spoil yourself and your dog!!