
Dog and Child Sessions

Living with kids and dogs can be truly magical, but it certainly doesn’t come without its challenges.

  • Are you living with kids and dogs and struggling with the juggle of it all?
  • Is your dog struggling with your newly walking toddler?
  • Is your dog growling at your kids? Or even bitten your child?
  • Do you need some help to try and build up the bond and relationship between your kids and dog?
  • Do you need some help turning the chaos into calm?

So many families focus on preparing the dog for bringing the baby home, but really the more challenging work begins when your kids are on the move. That’s when the real juggling act happens and management plans and supervision are critical for safety. But with help from Cooper and Kids, we can plan for this ahead of time or help when you are in the thick of it.

Do us a favour and don’t wait for something to happen; your child and dogs safety is of utmost importance to us. So please come to us early and we can teach you all about how your dogs communicate, the body language to be aware of, how kids mirror our behaviour and how to safely manage the chaos into a calm and safe household.

These services help to create safety and harmony at home when living with kids and dogs. We offer positive, practical, and fun solutions to challenges that often arise in families with dogs during your child’s early and later development years.


Different Life Stages We Can Help With:

1.Dog and Toddler

Once your toddler is on the move, the first thing they usually go for is the family dog. Plus once they start walking they can be very wobbly on their feet and unpredictable and this can be frightening for many dogs. That’s when the real juggling act happens and management plans and supervision are critical for safety.

This is the ideal service for families with dogs and toddlers who are soon to be walking or just walking.


2.Dog and Child

As our kids get older, they often get even rowdier and more full of energy. And this can be challenging for many dogs. Especially younger dogs or dogs who are starting to age. No matter the age of your children or dog, we can help to manage the child and dog dynamics in your home. We have lots of great games and tools to help rebuild relationships and to give your children and dogs proactive tools they can do together that are fun and safe.


During these sessions, we will cover:

1. Understanding your Dog Better
2. Management and Supervision
3. How dogs communicate and what to look out for
4. What you can do when your dog is feeling uncomfortable
5. Proactive options for the common challenges families with dogs and kids.
6. Ways to include your dog and kids together safely
7. General advice and tips around dog and child safety

Two X 1.5hour sessions are recommend for these types of services.



1.Four Pack of Sessions: $770

We offer a 4 pack of sessions to help reduce costs for you and really help to get things right!

Session one is 1.5 hours and the next three will run for approximately 1 hour.

Over the 4 sessions together, you will learn how to:
1. Understand your dog and how to meet their needs
2. Understand dog body language and how they communicate
3. Prevent and help unwanted behaviours in general and in relation to the kids.
4. Provide proactive tools to help manage your dog and kids together.
5. Teach the kids how to interact safely with the dog.
6. Answering all your specific questions


One Lickimat for your dog to enjoy.

Access to The Dial Method™ , which is a game changer for busy parents that packs ALL the vital stuff to really help you to see your dog and understand how to better parent them into a video mini-series. The Dial Method™ prepares you for every step of the journey in just 40 minutes.

2. Single Private in-home Sessions: $270 for a 1.5 hour session.

Can add on the The Dial Method™ Video as an extra when booking.

Additional travel fee may be charged depending on where you live.

3. Private Online Sessions: $225 for a 1.5 hour session.

Can add on the The Dial Method™ Video as an extra when booking.


At least two X 1.5hour sessions are recommend for this type of service.


Included with all sessions – you will be provided with resources, handouts and a summary.

This will also include a follow-up 1-2 weeks after your session to make sure you are all on track with everything you have learnt.


To make a booking

Get in touch via the form below so together, you and Mel can work out what service/package will be best suited to help you, your dog and your family.