
Families Getting A New Dog

Are you wanting to introduce a new dog or puppy into the home, but you have kids and are wondering where to start with it all?

I know all too well that dog and child dynamics can be a source of frustration for parents. So let’s start out on a positive note. Families need specialised training tailor-made just for them.

I can help you with breed selection so you get a dog that is best suited for your kids and your lifestyle. If you have already selected the perfect puppy/dog for your family, I run an incredible 6 week program for families called the Family Dog Private Training program which is customised to get EVERYONE involved. You’ll get all the tools and support you need to get your kids on board, your dog in check and the whole family playing for the same team! It’s fun, effective and 100% positive! And if you don’t want the 6 week session, we can tailor something specifically for you and your family.

We can provide help with:

  • Deciding if now is the right time for you and your family to be getting a dog/puppy
  • Selecting the right dog for your family
  • What you need to do before the puppy comes home
  • Making life easier for all once the puppy comes home.
  • Trouble Shooting unwanted behaviours.

Services we offer:

1. The Family Dog Program – 6 in-home personal training sessions (this service includes the Peace Love kids Dog Online Program for FREE )

  • Learn how to care for a new puppy, how to meets its daily needs and ultimately have a beautiful understanding of the dog in front of you.
  • Master ONE totally achievable training skill every week
  • Put your new skills to use in YOUR home – where you need it most!
  • Involve your WHOLE family in the training – YES! Kids too.
  • Play training games that make learning FUN!
  • Build a safe and happy house with your dog and kids!
  • We alternate week by week – so week one is a session just with the adults, week two we include the kids, week three no kids again and so on. That way parents, kids and puppy can get the most out of the six week program.

2. An Online Program from The Family Dog – Peace Love Kids and Dogs

  • The pre-puppy section will help you prepare for your new arrival.
  • The parents’ program has all the most important tools for raising kids and a dog together
  • The kids’ program is a “Special Agent Centre” where they’ll have so much fun they won’t even know they’re learning!
  • The Puppies section will help you with toileting, overnight training, what to do in those first 24hours.
  • AND there’s even “in a nutshell” videos to help keep grandparents and nannies on the same page.

3. Before you get the dog

We do puppy preparation consultations to help you prepare before the puppy comes home but we can also help you before that step too, when you are just considering if a dog is right for you.

  • We can help you when deciding if now is the right time for you and your family to be getting a dog/puppy.
  • We can help you with breed selection so you get a dog that is best suited for you and your lifestyle.
  • What you need to do before the puppy comes home.

4. Individual Sessions to Trouble Shoot Unwanted Behaviours and Learn how to Understand your Dog/Puppy Better

  • “Behavioural problems” often stem from not meeting our dogs daily requirements or something in the environment that is not helping them to get it right.
  • Learn how to care for a new puppy/ dog, how to meets its daily needs and ultimately have a beautiful understanding of the dog in front of you.
  • If you don’t want the full 6 week program or your puppy/dog is already a bit older – we can still help! We can either offer a 4 pack of sessions for you or we can do individual consults – you can also then pair this with the Online Program too if you want.


1. The 6 Week Family Dog Package: $899 (the value of this service exceeds $1400)

This program is our FAVOURITE! It includes the Peace Love Kids and Dogs online family video program plus a LICKIMAT for your dog and a Dogs Make Me Happy Jumper, t-shirt or paw print necklace for you and your child!

2. Peace Love Kids Dogs Online Program: $220 but must be paired with at least one consultation

3. Four Pack of Sessions: $770

We offer a 4 pack of sessions to help reduce costs for you and really help to get things right!

Session one is 1.5 hours and the next three will run for approximately 1 hour.

Over the 4 sessions together, you will learn how to:
1. Understand your dog and how to meet their needs
2. Understand dog body language and how they communicate
3. Prevent and help unwanted behaviours in general and in relation to the kids.
4. Provide proactive tools to help manage your dog and kids together.
5. Teach the kids how to interact safely with the dog.
6. Answering all your specific questions

Includes one Lickimat for your dog to enjoy.

With this package you will have access to The Dial Method™ , which is a game changer for busy parents that packs ALL the vital stuff to really help you to see your dog and understand how to better parent them into a video mini-series. The Dial Method™ prepares you for every step of the journey in just 40 minutes.  (This Package does NOT include the Peace Love Kids and Dogs online program).

4.  Single Private in-home Sessions: $270 for a 1.5 hour session.

Can add on the The Dial Method™ Video as an extra.

Additional travel fee may be charged depending on where you live.

At least two X 1.5hour sessions are recommend for this type of service.

5. Single Private Online Sessions: $225 for a 1.5 hour session.

Can add on the The Dial Method™ Video as an extra.

At least two X 1.5hour sessions are recommend for this type of service.

6. Puppy Preparation Session for families with young kids – in-home : $240 for a 1 hour session.

The Dial Method™ is included with this service. The Dial Method™ prepares you for every step of the journey in just 40 minutes. This video is a changer for busy parents that packs ALL the vital stuff to really help you to see your dog and understand how to better parent them into a video mini-series.

Additional travel fee may be charged depending on where you live.

7. Puppy Preparation Session for families with young kids – Online: $210 for a 1 hour session.

The Dial Method™ is included with this service. The Dial Method™ prepares you for every step of the journey in just 40 minutes. This video is a changer for busy parents that packs ALL the vital stuff to really help you to see your dog and understand how to better parent them into a video mini-series.

During your sessions you will be provided with resources, handouts and a follow up summary from your session. This will also include a follow up 1-2 weeks after your session to make sure you are all on track with everything you have learnt.


To make a booking

Get in touch via the form below so together, you and Mel can work out what service/package will be best suited to help you, your dog and your family.